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E-learning and LMS blog articles

Sharing our e-learning experience to help guide your decisions

Learning Styles and Preferences - a quick blended learning guide

2 min reading time

Which learning style works for you?

Are you a visual learner, preferring to watch videos rather than listen to lectures? Or do you like to learn in a hands-on, practical way instead?

Perhaps you like a combined, blended learning approach?

The learning styles and preferences debate

Learners were once rigidly categorised as having preferences for their learning methods, including auditory, visual and kinaesthetic ways of learning.

This categorisation promised to optimise training outcomes solely by matching teaching methods to the preferred styles.

But there’s limited evidence for the effectiveness of this approach, with most experts now agreeing that learning preferences have no measurable impact on learning outcomes.

However, learning styles can still have a place in a comprehensive blended learning plan for your company. Whilst they won’t improve outcomes on their own, taking the learning preferences of your staff into account will impact their engagement with your course subject.

Online learning and courses are essential for this.


Boost your training strategy using learning styles within blended learning

Matching teaching methods to learning preferences won’t increase learning retention on their own. But learning styles are still important to consider when creating your training strategy. This is because individuals do have strong preferences in their approach to learning.

These approaches help to increase motivation to learn. Some students prefer face to face sessions, while others will resonate more with a ‘flipped classroom’ style.

Some learners love group situations, but others will feel uneasy in a group environment. Understanding the learning motivations and presenting information in a variety of learning styles is key to helping learners engage with a particular topic in your course.

Certain topics can also be easier to teach with different instructional methods, making different approaches in your training essential.

Blended learning enables you to develop a training strategy across your whole business that presents training and information in a variety of ways.

This approach naturally uses a variety of learning styles, amplifying the benefits for your entire cohort.


Blended learning creates an ideal training mix for your company

Blended learning gives you the tools to develop content to match a variety of learning methods.

Online learning management systems such as Moodle or Totara Learn combine with traditional face to face teaching to create training materials in a valuable mix of media, including:

  • Podcasts
  • Video
  • Forum chats
  • Classroom sessions
  • Group ‘seminar’ sessions
  • Polls and gamification methods

Variety within delivery methods is important, so long as it’s appropriate both to the content being presented and to your organisation.

Offering content to your learners in a range of learning styles helps your staff to be more engaged and motivated with the training.

You’ll also be able to develop content that isn’t stuck in one rigid learning approach, creating accessible, quality content for all your staff.


Develop an effective blended learning approach

Blended learning is the perfect way to create an effective training strategy for your business, taking learning styles and motivations into account.

Online learning is a vital part of this, allowing you to offer mixed learning materials to engage and motivate your staff.

We’ll make sure you use the most effective online learning management system for your organisation, helping you maximise your learning strategy and investment.

For help and support with Moodle or Totara Learn, contact us today!



About Hubken:

The Hubken Solution  comprises powerful, flexible and tailored Learning Management System (LMS) services for organisations of all sizes. Leveraging the power of Moodle  or Totara  platforms we provide you with the tools to achieve outstanding eLearning outcomes, supporting you in areas including LMS hosting, installation, user training, content development, reporting  and more.


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