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'The New Normal': 5 Tips For Training Teams

3 min reading time

It's a phrase we're hearing a lot at the moment but what might 'the new normal' mean for training teams? Changes in where and how we work are inevitable so we take a look at some ways to smooth the transition.

Organisations that thrive in the new normal will be those that adapt best.

If you are a training or HR manager who already delivers most their training online with a learning management system (LMS) you’ve been at an advantage compared to those managing traditional learning programmes. However, you’re unlikely to have been unscathed by the upheavals of recent months. As organisations have entered crisis mode priorities have changed and that has had a disruptive effect on the work of those responsible for training their staff, clients or members.

Here are Hubken’s tips for anyone who delivers or is planning to deliver training online in the coming months:

1. Re-prioritise 

Few organisations are operating with business as usual. In time of uncertainty adaptability is essential. Look at your learning programmes and ask yourself these questions:

  • What are our short-term organisational priorities?
  • Are our current training programmes aligned with those priorities?
  • Which departments or job functions are in the most urgent need of training in the short-term?
  • Are your priority teams and individuals clear on their training priorities for the coming month or two?
  • What would success look like for the next 2 months? Set yourself realistic targets.

Asking yourself these basic questions should enable you to focus on getting the most important training distributed to those who need it most. This is easily enabled by a powerful LMS system such as Totara Learn or Moodle.

2. Communicate more

According to official research, of 32.6m people in the UK workforce, 1.7m (5.2%) said they regularly worked from home before the coronavirus crisis began. The figure now may be nearer to 50%. That’s many millions of people working from home day after day despite not having done so regularly before. The lack of face-to-face interaction with colleagues can be a difficult, isolating experience for many. L&D managers need to be communicating more proactively with their learners than ever before. People need motivation, guidance and assurance so they feel engaged and valued. Trainers have a key role to play.

3. Embrace training from home

One of the most likely long-term changes on the back of the crisis could be a permanent shift towards homeworking. One of the biggest challenges for government now is how to limit Covid-19 transmission as people return to work. Take public transport for example where maintaining social distancing on busy commuter trains could see passenger capacity drop by 70-90%. Where people can work from home they’ll need do so more often.

Take the opportunity to encourage homeworking where you can and establish an L&D programme that maximises the use of video conferencing and other community focused approaches to ensure that people can collaborate and be social. Where face-to-face training is essential use blended learning techniques to harness the best of online and traditional training.

4. Don't aim for perfection

If you’ve found the past few months tough you can be sure your learners have too. Uncertainty around job security, working hours, changes in working practices and locations are unsettling. While we all want to do our best now is the time to put any perfectionist tendencies aside! Just focus on the essentials. Recognise that not everyone will be at their best and importantly use your LMS’s reporting functions to identify those who may be struggling and direct your attention to helping them with their training. Offering additional time and resources to those who need it most.

5. Make mental health central

In times like these as organisations go into survival mode it’s sometimes easy to forget that employee’s mental health may be impacted. Many may be feeling anxious and the removal from a conventional working environment may exacerbate that. Fortunately, there are plenty of elearning resources aimed at helping learners manage their mental health effectively. Make sure your learning includes help for learner’s general well-being as well as the other business critical training requirements. That’s will pay dividends for your learners and your organisation as we adapt to the new normal.

Want to get more from your eLearning programme?

E-learning will be more important than ever in a world where more remote working will be essential.

Talk to Hubken Group to explore how our LMS solutions could transform the way you train and motivate staff in the most cost effective and easy way possible.



About Hubken:

The Hubken Solution comprises powerful, flexible and tailored Learning Management System (LMS) services for organisations of all sizes. Leveraging the power of Totara Learn and Moodle platforms we provide you with the tools to achieve outstanding eLearning outcomes, supporting you in areas including LMS hosting, installation, user training, content development, reporting and more.


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