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How to suspend students from a Moodle course

1 min reading time

On our training events, we are regularly asked about removing students once they have completed a course. This can be for a variety of reasons but often it is simply a case of wanting to only display current learners in the grade book and other grade data areas (e.g. quiz attempts table, SCORM attempts table, etc.) rather than all enrolled learners, as these areas can become unwieldy with pages of data relating to learners who finished the course the previous year.

This scenario is not quite as straight-forward as it may first appear. As the grade data areas always show learners who are enrolled in the course, unenrolling them from the course will also remove them from the grade data areas. This process can be achieved automatically by using the enrolment duration in the enrolment method which would unenroll learners after a certain time in the course.

While it is preferable that all learners are not displayed in the gradebook, the drawback to unenrolling the learners is that typically their data is not retained either, and teachers are therefore unable to look back at the grades for unenrolled learners. The solution here is to suspend course learners rather than unenrolling them; this will prevent course access to those learners whilst still retaining the ability for teachers to filter their grade results in the gradebook for their own analysis.


Your site administrator can configure the default settings (accessed via Site Administration > Plugins > Enrolments > Manual enrolments) to suspend rather than unenroll the user by selecting “Keep user enrolled” for the Enrolment expiration action setting.Suspend students from a Moodle course


Similar configuration settings are available for each of the other enrolment methods too. It should be noted that, by default, only students with active enrolments are listed along with their grades in the Gradebook; however a teacher can amend the view at a course level by altering the Grader Report preference settings in  the Gradebook. Suspend students from a Moodle course


When configured to show all enrolments, users with active and suspended enrolments will be listed in the Grader report.Suspend students from a Moodle course


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