The key to a skilled, motivated workforce is empowerment. That’s why mobile learning is so important for organisations; not only can mobile devices be used anywhere, but they empower people to manage their own development at their fingertips.
And the best thing about this? A motivated workforce who know they can track their progress whenever, wherever they are. It’s all about the small wins when it comes to boosting motivation and productivity. But that’s just the start. Learn more about the many reasons you should consider mobile education to empower your workforce.
No restrictions on learner location
One of the biggest benefits of mobile learning. If your organisation depends on employees travelling to different locations, mobile learning is an ideal way to empower them to stay on top of their training.
How does this work in practice? Take charitable organisations as an example. When you have volunteers working in places that don’t necessarily provide computer access, you could struggle to give them access to complete important training modules and track their progress. This makes mobile learning the perfect solution, giving them access to all the learning they need, without needing to use a computer.
And it’s not just charities that can benefit from this approach. If your organisation is tapping into the benefits of remote working, you’ll want to consider how you can make your training easily accessible to employees who don’t commute into the office regularly, or at all. Mobile learning enhances this flexibility for remote workers, giving them the opportunity to develop their skills without the stress of travelling long distance to attend training seminars. Being able to train remote workers ensures your workforce is skilled and motivated, which is a positive for business.
The omnipresence of mobile learning technology means people can gain access from anywhere, enabling all types of workforce to develop their skills and feel empowered within their roles.
Trainers and learners can track progress in real time
For trainers, mobile learning enables them to track how their learners are performing with certain tasks and training modules. For learners, using technology in learning enables them to track their own personal progress and complete small wins to boost their motivation.
In his article on the eLearning Industry, millennial Mahati Vanka talks about why mobile education technology is beneficial to learners like him:
“You can engage with us remotely, and continuously through the mobile phone… simple tools with a good user experience can make us enthusiastic about learning the next module”
If younger learners are faced with long days, mobile learning systems can help them stay motivated in an environment that works for them; where they can relax and take their training at their own pace. Where there is an app available, they can also access content and complete assessments offline.
But what about grading assessments?
Trainers can grade their learners via the web version, by logging in on a mobile device. This helps them monitor achievements and play a bigger role in their team’s development.
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Appeal to individuals who want the latest technology
According to GSMA data, “there are now over 8.98 billion mobile connections worldwide”. This is more than the world’s current population of approximately 7.69 billion. The “audience” of mobile is clearly vast, and an immense opportunity for organisations who want to engage with their employees via mobile interfaces.
If we narrow statistics down to the UK alone, an estimated 46,639,000 people own a smartphone. That’s around 70% of the UK population who have the technological capability to access mobile learning systems (GSMA). If organisations make mobile education a priority for their business plans in correlation with the growing number of smartphone users, they’ll be able to reach a wider network of learners who possess the skills to help their business grow.
And in terms of PC access, it appears more people are ditching desktop and switching to smartphones. Christopher Pappas comments on this in his article for the eLearning Industry:
“Based on a Google report, more and more people use only their mobile devices compared to those who use only their desktop PCs. Furthermore, 40% of people rely mainly on their smartphones”
With individuals connecting with the latest technology, mobile learning can be adopted by a wider pool of learners, making it easy for organisations to train the right people for the right job.
Keeps trainers and learners connected to the future of mobile learning
It’s clear that the way we train and learn is changing. Twenty years ago, we were using dial-up connections to browse the internet, today we have the luxury of Wi-Fi, fibre optic broadband and faster internet speeds with 4G.
It’s also been twenty years since the term “eLearning” was introduced. Since its inception, technological advancements have been made and many large organisations are tapping into these. Think about the rise of Amazon GO stores, the use of iPads and tablets at checkouts, and of course mobile education systems. Mobile phones enable organisations to “teach” people without physically standing in front of them.
In his article for eLearning, Mehul Rajput states:
“Further increase in the usage of mobile apps for learning is projected, and this will become a significant part of the corporate training in coming years”
It’s important for organisations to stay up to date with the latest in mobile learning, to ensure they hit the curve when changes are made and keep their learners on top of the latest eLearning trends.
How could our mobile learning interface help your organisation?
HowToMoodle’s learning interface is quick to implement and can integrate easily with your organisational infrastructure within quick timescales. We understand how important speed is for organisations who want a streamlined process that doesn’t disrupt business as usual.
We can also provide you with comparisons between Moodle and Totara Learn, our two learning management systems. So when it comes to making a decision, you can rest assured our solutions are designed to help you deliver the training that best aligns with your learners’ needs, supporting your organisation along the journey to an empowered, skilled, motivated workforce.
Our friendly team of experts are only a call or email away. Get in touch today to discuss how we'll turn your requirements into a great project!
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