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A useful tip to extend specific permissions in Moodle courses

1 min reading time

Want useful tips for Moodle? 

We have a situation where we want to allow a facilitator (who is assigned to the Non-Editing Teacher role for the course) to be able to edit a label on the course page so that they can personalise their welcome message. However we don't want them to be able to have permission to be able to change any other aspect of the course design.

These are the steps:

1. Login as admin or another role that allows role assignment.

2. Create the label with the default welcome message, save and return to course.

3. Re-open the label.

4. Click the "Locally assigned roles" tab.

5. Click Teacher and assign the facilitator to that role.

The facilitator will now see the "Turn editing on" button and when in editing mode they will be able to edit the required label to personalise their welcome message. As the Teacher role was only assigned for the label they won't be able to adapt other resources or activities.


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