For anyone managing e-learning programmes learner engagement is surely a key measure of success. You may have hundreds of people in different departments or teams but all of them are likely to appreciate recognition for their efforts.
That’s where Open Badges come in.
Open Badges enable your learners to get verifiable proof for the knowledge, skills and achievements they have developed through your e-learning programme.
They are a flexible and portable way for e-learners to get additional recognition to supplement traditional qualifications or professional accreditations.
5 reasons to use Open Badges:
- Incentivise effective learning – your learners are more likely to engage with your learning content if they get recognition for their efforts.
- Verify skills – in many job functions you are likely to have levels of skills needed for someone to do their job effectively or safely. That could be anything from knowing how to protect personal data to understanding food hygiene. Use Open Badges to verify that mastery of knowledge.
- Create learning pathways – use badges to help guide your learners through specific routes of learning. Badges can represent milestones on the way to mastering a skill.
- Identify non-traditional talent – some of the skillsets you develop in learners may be unique to your organisation or to their role, yet are still worthy of recognition. Ensure you reward all forms of learning and development.
- Retain your talent – we’re all more likely to stick with an employer who recognises our talents. Open Badges can play a role in part of any employee retention strategy.
Robust evidence of attainment:
There are two categories of Open Badges: site badges which are available to users across the site and awarded for activities like finishing a set of courses and course badges which are available to users enrolled in specific courses.
Both types of badge can include in-built information, a type of digital evidence which includes who issued the badge, the criteria it was issued against, when it was issued, a verifiable reference to the participant and a number of other optional properties.
Your learners can display badges issued by your organisation as well as ones issued elsewhere giving them a portable record of learning achievement.
Start using Open Badges now!
Open Badges standards are developed and maintained by IMS Global Learning Consortium. In 2020 IMS have verified Moodle versions 3.8 and 3.9 Open Badges v2.0 issuers. This means that badges can be seamlessly read and imported into ‘badge backpacks’ which allow your organisation's badges to be organised and publicly displayed as digital credentials in a central location.
You can find more information about how to manage badges including an FAQ page on the Moodle website.
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